Koca Pavloviæ (Podgorica)
war Chefredakteur des unabhängigen Fernsehsenders TV Montena und leitet nun das Produktionshaus Obala Production. Im Rahmen kritischer Berichterstattung, z.B. über die Verbindung hochrangiger Politiker aus Montenegro zu Miloševiæ’s Regierung, ist Pavloviæ gewöhnt inmitten politischer Kontroverse zu stehen. Seine Erfahrungen bezüglich Geschichtsdebatten und der sich verändernden montenegrinischen Medienlandschaft publizierte er nicht zuletzt im Central European Review.
The TV documentary War for Peace highlights the chain of events that lead to the 1991 siege of Dubrovnik and explores the internal dynamics of the entire process. It presents this military campaign as a segment of a larger story about expansionist nationalism, and war for territories and ideologies in the former SFR Yugoslavia. It also compares past and present views of participants in the process (politicians, army commanders, soldiers, journalists), as well as various observers such as political analysts, historians, and ordinary people. This film offers a comprehensive analysis of the entire campaign and is based on archival material (both video and audio) and on a number of interviews with individuals! that participated in the events.