balkan black box

Mirror, Mirror – Pasqyre, Pasqyre

Regie: Blerta Basholli & Svdije Kastrati; 26 Min., Kosovo 2006 (OmE)
Wettbewerb: Golden Black Box Competition

ACUDkino, Sa, 18.11.2006 um 18:00 Uhr
babylon berlin:mitte, So, 19.11.2006 um 18:15 Uhr

Eine kritische Perspektive auf stereotype Bilder übersexualisierter Weiblichkeitsideale, die in und durch das Massenmedium TV konstruiert und konsumiert werden. Dazu gibt der Film einen Einblick in die Musikszene des Turbo Folk. Er lässt sowohl verschiedene Frauen, die in dieser Branche arbeiten, als auch ExpertInnen der Sozial- und Medienwissenschaften zu Wort kommen.

A 26-minute documentary film “Mirror, mirror” is about the Image of Women in the Kosovar Televisions, which explores, challenges and reflects the way women are represented in media. Following several teenage Kosovar girls and how they are influenced by the portrayal of women on TV, the film demonstrates how this representation affects young girls and women. Women in the media are shown as a sexual object and as decoration and not as strong women working in different fields and professions. This sexy and ‘beautiful’ image that lacks depth and character strongly affects the way the younger generations build themselves in the image of their female role models on TV. The film also touches on alternative positive female role models in the media and how they (can) inspire the young generation.

Blerta Basholli