La Strada
Dokumentarfilm - Stadt und Land Shorts
Regie:Damir Čučić
29 min., OmE, Kroatien 2004
Acud, So, 31.03.113252 um 00:00 Uhr
babylon berlin:mitte, Fr, 31.07.113265 um 00:00 Uhr
Liebevolles Porträt der Hauptstraße des Städtchens Vodnjan in Istrien und ihrer multikulturellen Anwohner
Over a thousand meters long, and with 200 houses along it, main street of the Istrian town of Vodnjan has been a showroom of crafts and trades for centuries, a stage for processions and carnivals, and a meeting point of various languages, traditions and cultures... Film depicts the atmosphere of 'la strada' at different times of day, peeks behind its walls and portrays the people brought in by the waves of history, migration and everyday life to this artery of a Mediterannean town.